5 Steps Towards a Productive Work Environment

March 25, 2019

Let’s face it: we spend a lot of time at our desks, so it is important to have a clean, organized space to work in. With just a few minutes of tidying up (Marie Kondo, anyone?), you’ll be able to focus better and work more efficiently.

Here are 5 tips to clean your workspace and be more productive at your desk:

1. Get rid of the clutter

Now since it is work, you may not be able to get rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy. However, it is a good time to declutter your desk and get rid of anything that doesn’t spark productivity.  If you don’t use it almost every day, it probably doesn’t need to be on your desk. If you’re a paper hoarder, consider getting a desktop file organizer or folder. Also, do you really need all 4 of those coffee mugs? Less is more.

2. Sanitize (and then sanitize again.)

Did you know that you’re supposed to sanitize your desk at least once per week? In fact, one study found that the the typical desk has 400 times the amount of bacteria found on a toilet seat. Get rid of those germs! Take some time to wipe down everything–your laptop, keyboard, mouse, phone, etc. Your immune system and your desk neighbors will thank you.

3. Clean out your inbox

It is equally important to clean out your digital workspace. You may have a few flagged emails that still need replies, or maybe you still have emails from 2015 that you no longer need. Take advantage of email filters and rules, and get those emails in organized folders. Now is also a good time to unsubscribe to any email newsletter that you are constantly deleting anyway. Take out a chunk of time to unsubscribe now, and it may save you some sanity later on.

4. Clear off your desktop

Do you have 50 icons sitting on your computer’s desktop? Or how about the downloads folder? Take some time to purge those random memes you saved and create folders for your important documents. Consider sorting them by date, topic, or importance.

5. Spruce it up

When your workspace is all cleaned off, celebrate with a fun new desk accessory. Frame a photo, take care of a new plant or put up a new motivational poster. While you’re at it, change up your desktop background too. A change in scenery is great for productivity. It’s time to crush this new season!

When the clutter is cleared away, breathe in that fresh springtime air and kick back and relax—or… get back to work.

Looking for a new workspace to boost your productivity this summer? Come try out The Department for a free trial day.

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